you are a here for a reason. as an astrologer, tarot reader, and intuitive, i can help you understand what that reason is.

whether you’re wondering what the next step is in your life, why you repeat certain patterns, or what amazing opportunities the future holds, i can help you understand the reason you are here on this earth, in this place, at this exact moment in time.

it is all for a purpose. and the answer is in your birth chart.

so what’s my purpose? it’s to translate the language of the stars and bring that down to earth for you. my skillset include writing, research, and counseling, and i fuse all of these to work with you with care, compassion, and understanding. it’s so you can live your best and most fulfilling life, without fear or anxiety.

if that sounds exciting to you, it’s because it is! if you would like to work together, email me. i do my best to respond within 48 hours.